
remedial massage


A remedial massage will address the unstable bio-mechanics of your body that cause you pain or movement dysfunction. Whether you are suffering from chronic stiffness or a acute pain, you will receive an individualized treatment that addresses your imbalances.

Remedial massage is highly effective in addressing musculoskeletal issues caused by desk jobs, manual labor, overuse injuries, car accidents, headaches, weak muscles & or hypertonic issues.

It combines techniques from sports, deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point, joint mobilization, PNF stretching, Active Release & Muscle Energy Technique.

A very goal-oriented style of massage that focuses on treating the cause rather than the symptoms.



This relaxing treatment is designed to calm your nerves whilst promoting your sense of wellbeing. Enjoy the therapeutic flow of this massage, with each moment allowing you to drop further into a state of bliss. This meditative space is where your body remembers how to rest and rejuvenate.

A perfect choice for someone who wants to let go of stored tension, whether its mental, emotional or physical.

Benefits of relaxation massage include improved mental health, increased circulation, mental clarity, improve digestion, increased energy levels and sense of ease in the body.

deep tissue

Deep Tissue

A deeply revitalizing treatment for those who have stagnated, dense tissue & require firm pressure. Allow your body to release any chronic muscular tension as we address your deep muscle fibres with the use of elbows, forearms and thumbs.

Benefits of deep tissue massage include relief from pain, increased energy levels, decreased scar tissue, muscle detoxification, increased circulation, increased body awareness, greater perception of present moment.

Ideal for those who have jobs / lifestyles that store a lot of muscular pressure.



This treatment aims to revitalize overworked feet, whilst re-establishing balance to our internal organs and other problematic systems in our body. A great add on to your regular massage.

Reflexology is based upon ancient eastern knowledge that specific points on our feet correspond to various parts our body. Benefits of reflexology include pain relief, alleviation of anxiety / stress, improved digestive health,  detoxification and a more robust immune system.

sport massage

Sports Massage

A treatment focusing on keeping your connective tissue in optimal condition pre or post your sports event. By ensuring the release of adhesions in your muscle fibres, you give your muscles a greater ability to respond to stimulus. This creates more stability in your joints and makes you less susceptible to injuries.

Benefits of sports massage include increased endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, quality of sleep, body awareness and improved recovery periods.

A great way to enhance performance & avoid the pains of over training.

myofascial release

Myofascial Release

Feel a new sense of freedom in your body, as this treatment helps to reverse long term stored postural patterns & emotional trauma. Fascia is connective tissue that acts as an internal web, encasing and supporting the movement of all our muscles, organs, vessels, bones and nerves in our bodies.

When fascial networks are subjected to overuse, poor posture, injury or trauma, they often become unhealthy and feel ‘stuck’. In this deconditioned state, their web becomes thick and unorganised, restricting blood flow in and out of our muscles, often leading to toxin accumulation, inflammation
and pain.

A deep soothing treatment to address chronic or acute pain by releasing congested fascial networks in the body.

Myofascial release is highly effective in treating:

  • Lower back / pelvic pain
  • Headaches / migraines
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Hip and knee pain
  • Poor posture
  • Overuse & repetitive strain injury
  • Sciatica


A therapeutic treatment designed for the comfort and wellbeing of Mum and Bub in the 2nd / 3rd trimester. This massage is designed to dissolve any built up muscular tension caused by the drastic hormonal changes & postural shifts that are occurring in your body.

Pregnancy massage is extremely effective in addressing sciatica pain and aches around lower back, hips, knees, neck and shoulders. Circulation issues will also be addressed, giving special attention to your legs and feet.

A perfect treatment for expecting mums who are in need of self-care.

trigger point

Trigger Point

This treatment targets your ‘active’ trigger points. They are often very tender to touch and can radiate pain to other areas of the body. Thumbs and elbows are used to apply significant pressure on these specific points. You will be encouraged to breathe through the compressions to help deactivate these irritable points.

Benefits of trigger point therapy include improved muscular condition, pain relief, increase in strength of muscle, normalised firing pattern of muscle, enhanced ability for muscle to relax, improved flexibility.

A treatment for those who are experiencing a hyper-irritable area that may also refer pain to nearby areas on the body.